Products » Evergreen Trees

Pinus resinosa - Red or Norway Pine

Height: 50-70’ 

Spread: 30-40' (symmetrical and oval)   

Hardiness: Zone 2-5 (All of Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Nebraska).

Foliage: 5-6” long and slender needles, dark green, in pairs   

Growth Rate: Medium  

Common Ailments: Susceptible to salt damage

Seed: Produces 2” light brown cones, in pairs. Seed source is Upper Michigan.  

Preferred Soil: ph 5-6, well-drained, course texture  

Attributes: Bark is reddish brown with a scaly outer covering. It was widely planted as a shelter belt tree in our northern plains because of its ability to survive in adversity. 

                   2 gallon                     15"
                   2 gallon                     18"
                   14" grow bag             3'
                   14" grow bag             42"

Pinus resinosa - Red or Norway Pine
Pinus resinosa - Red or Norway Pine
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